In a world of gray,
Beauty is thought to be as rare as a drop of rain landing on your tounge while indoors.
But while most thinkers of that sort are concentrating on each drop of rain, carefully monitoring its lifespan before it comes crashing down on the ground, the knowledged appreciate the symphony of rain as a whole. The booming percussion of the thunder, the perfect harmony of a thousand droplets of rain cascading down and melting into the earth. They stare awe-struck as flashes of lightning create an array of special effects so grand that God himself shines through the clouds, glowing with pride and admiration.
In a world of gray,
Beauty is as out of place as a blossoming flower lighting the streets of a forgotten city, or a desert landscape so beautiful that the wall of enlightenment around it begins to crumble.
In a world of gray,
Beauty is everywhere.